Our Personal ‘Trainor’ is All We Need

Meghan Trainor isn’t a foreign name anymore. She became a household name with her hit song “All About That Bass”, which proved existential for females across the nation.  With a foot stepped in the direction of feminism and music blaring through your speakers with such a peppy beat is certain to make any female feel strong and independent.  Trainor reminds us with her first single that “every inch of you is perfect, from the bottom to the top.” Continue reading “Our Personal ‘Trainor’ is All We Need”

Little Mix: Revolutionizing Feminism

The new craze is feminism and girl power.  Is it being over-commercialized?  There was a time- not too long ago- when people referred to feminism as “the f word”, but now “feminism” is clearly printed all over headlines in the media.  Honestly, who cares whether it’s becoming over-commercialized, as some have been saying.  The fact that females are finally taking a stand and turning “girl power” into headlines all over magazines, blogs, and websites is revolutionary, and we should be proud. Continue reading “Little Mix: Revolutionizing Feminism”

That Harry Potter Girl and Gender Equality

“If not me, who?  If not now, when?”  On September 20th, 2014, Emma Watson took the podium at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to launch a new campaign known as HeForShe.  Six months prior to this event, she had been named the UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, which is a celebrity of the arts, film, music, sports, and/or literature, who volunteers in supporting programs of the UN.  Watson has been chosen to represent HeForShe, and presented the audience with a speech that left them opened to the truth. Continue reading “That Harry Potter Girl and Gender Equality”